„Magic from Santa – Invest More, Win 1000” Campaign

santa offer

The „Magic from Santa – Invest More, Win 1000″ campaign, organized by Fagura, rewards investors on Fagura.com and Fagura.ro for their participation in financing the loans listed on the platform.

1. Campaign Period:

The campaign runs from October 29, 2024, at 2:00 PM until January 15, 2025, at 11:59 PM (EET).

2. Who Can Participate:

Both existing and new investors who register a Fagura account, complete the KYC process, sign the necessary agreement, and get platform approval are eligible. Participants need to fund their account with a minimum of 500 EUR and invest in listed loans (including Secondary Market). Only investments up to 10,000 EUR will be considered for rewards.

3. Participation Conditions:

The campaign is open to all eligible investors regardless of their country of residence. However, Fagura staff, associates, and their first-degree relatives cannot participate.

4. Rewards:

  • 2% Bonus: Every eligible investor will receive a 2% bonus on their investment (minimum 500 EUR, maximum 10,000 EUR), credited to their Fagura account at the campaign’s end. The bonus is credited to the Fagura region of the investor’s original account.
  • Grand Prize – 1,000 EUR: All investors automatically enter a lottery for a 1,000 EUR prize, to be credited to the winner’s Fagura account. The winner will be selected live on Fagura Moldova’s Facebook page on January 16, 2025, using Random.org.

5. Lottery Draw:

The grand prize draw will take place on January 16, 2025, during business hours (9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, EET time) and will be streamed live on Fagura Moldova’s Facebook page.

6. Additional Terms:

  • All transfer fees are covered by Fagura.
  • The 1,000 EUR grand prize winner can use the funds as they see fit once credited.
  • Tax responsibilities related to the prize are the winner’s responsibility.
  • This campaign cannot be combined with other active campaigns on Fagura.ro or Fagura.com.
  • If the investor’s involvement overlaps in two simultaneous campaigns on the Fagura.ro and Fagura.com platforms, the investor will benefit from the campaign that is the most advantageous for him.

7. Publication of Rules:

This campaign’s terms are officially published on fagura.ro/blog on October 29, 2024, and will remain unchanged throughout the duration of the campaign.
Regulamentul în limba română poate fi văzut AICI.

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Investiția în proiecte de finanțare participativă implică riscuri, inclusiv riscul pierderii parțiale sau integrale a fondurilor investite. Investiția dvs. nu este acoperită de schemele de garantare a depozitelor stabilite în conformitate cu Directiva 2014/49/UE a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului. De asemenea, investiția dvs. nu este acoperită de schemele de compensare a investitorilor stabilite în conformitate cu Directiva 97/9/CE a Parlamentului European și a Consiliului.

Este posibil ca investiția dumneavoastră să nu genereze niciun venit. Acesta nu este un produs de economisire și vă sfătuim să nu investiți mai mult de 10% din capitalul dumneavoastră net în proiectele de finanțare participativă. Este posibil să nu puteți vinde instrumentele de investiții atunci când doriți. Dacă sunteți în măsură să le vindeți, este posibil totuși să înregistrați pierderi.