Make smart investments in businesses that matter to you

You choose which companies to finance, how much to invest and for how long. Estimated annual returns in excess of 12% with a diversified portfolio. Exit anytime you want.

Create account
Cum functioneaza Fagura
€6 million invested
1 mil. € profit
Gain financial independence

Investment calculator

On Fagura, you can obtain a loan with a fair scoring based on an algorithm that underpins the platform and analyzes your credit history.
  • Double your investment in 5 years
    Investments on Fagura are designed for the short and medium term. Depending on the the risk you are willing to take, you can double your initial investment in 5 years.
  • You earn monthly interest
    Monthly, the companies you borrowed from pay a rate + interest. These come back to you as passive income and return on investment.
  • Save for retirement
    Even if it's far away, you can now take care of your pension. You invest for 10 or 20 years and you will have money to travel and tick off the points from "the bucket list"
Your results in 5 years
Total monthly contributions
Total investment
Accumulated interest
Final value
The calculator is for informational purposes only. Investments are not guaranteed.
Imagine how many cool things you could do with it €29929.26 in 5 years.

Reasons to invest on Fagura

Choose to grow financially with Fagura through online loans

Average annual profit 12%

Your profit is higher than with a savings account. More liquid investments than in real estate.

Investors community

Share risks with other investors by funding multiple companies. Develop a diversified portfolio.

Exit anytime

Whenever you need money, you can partially or fully sell your portfolio on the Secondary Market.

Support Romanian businesses

Your investments support small and micro businesses in Romania. Get profit from investments and help.

How do you start investing on Fagura?

First, you create an account. Just like on social media. Then, you choose the investment strategy that suits you.
Manual Invest
You analyze company presentations and financial data. You decide which ones you finance and how much you allocate to them.
Auto Invest
Set filters like amount, period and degree of risk to automate investments.
Secondary Market
If you need the money invested, you can always sell your portfolio to other investors.
Are you ready to invest? Create account

Companies like yours, financed on Fagura

Choose to grow financially with Fagura through online loans



Dupa acumulare de experienta si know-how in ultimii 10 ani este important sa mentinem calitatea serviciilor si a beneficiarilor si sa crestem imaginea companiei .Dupa investitiile facute in ultima perioada in mentinerea relatiilor cu parteneri actuali ne dorim sa pastram si o continuitate in achitarea platilor catre furnizori si a taxelor . Avem demarate procesele si investitiile realizarii unui nou brand cu ajutorul caruia sa dezvoltam un proiect de promovarea a valorilor gastronomice si culturale dobrogene ,in special in Delta Dunarii . Obiectivele principale : dezvoltarea canal Tik Tok si YouTube , optimizare Facebook,,filmulete profesionale cu retete autentice dobrogene ( influente ucrainene, lipovenesti , turcesti , tataresti , machedonesti , romanesti ) , o carte cu retete clasice si o carte cu retete reinterpretate , folosind ingredientele dobrogene si ale Deltei Dunarii.



Scopul acestui proiect este de a revoluționa modul în care oamenii își gestionează emoțiile și își regăsesc echilibrul interior, printr-o platformă inovatoare de vindecare emoțională bazată pe membership. Ne propunem să transformăm experiențele membri ai comunității noastre online și să le oferim acces la soluții personalizate, resurse interactive și ghidare profesională. Într-un context în care piața dezvoltării personale este în continuă expansiune, acest proiect răspunde cererii crescânde pentru instrumente care să aducă rezultate reale, rapide și de impact. Cu o bază solidă construită prin vânzarea constantă a 1.000-1.500 de cărți lunar, platforma va reprezenta un punct de referință pentru o generație care își prioritizează sănătatea emoțională și mentală. Avem o viziune clară și un plan bine definit, iar cu sprijinul necesar vom transforma această inițiativă într-o resursă de neprețuit pentru zeci de mii de oameni.



Deplasarea la domiciliul clientului , service electrocasnice



Misiunea noastră este sa asiguram copiilor mediul în care sa se simta fericiți și în siguranta, în care sa deprindă și sa-si consolideze cunoștințele necesare la școală sau în viata.

Interested to find out more? Start investing

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Fagura Contact Support

We are here to help you

Working hours: Monday - Friday: 9.00 - 18.00
Credit applications can be submitted online 24/7

Investing in crowdfunding projects involves risks, including the risk of partial or total loss of the invested funds. Your investment is not covered by deposit guarantee schemes established in accordance with the Directive 2014/49/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. Also, your investment is not covered by investor compensation schemes established in accordance with the Directive 97/9/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. Your investment may not generate any income. This is not a savings product and we advise you not to invest more than 10% of your net capital in crowdfunding projects. You may not be able to sell your investments when you want to. If you are able to sell them, you may still make a loss.

Your investment may not generate any income. This is not a savings product and we advise you not to invest more than 10% of your net capital in crowdfunding projects. You may not be able to sell the investment instruments when you want to. If you are able to sell them, you may still make a loss.